Keep Your Housework Simple

Keep Your Housework Simple

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  1. There are many who think that keeping a house clean is complex, time-consuming and difficult but it doesn’t have to be that way. With some organization, effort and planning, housework can be simplified, easy and accomplished in a timely manner. For most women, the best time to clean the house is early in the morning or after work. If at all possible, do your cleaning in the morning when you feel fresh.

    Planning is all important when it comes to keeping a house clean. Let’s say that on one particular day you need to wash clothes, sweep, dust and wash windows. Now, you can do all of this in one day but it will need to be prioritized. You can, however, spread these tasks out in several days but you will need to decide what needs to be done first. if the washes need to be done first, then do them first. While the washes are going, you may want to sweep or dust.

    Keep you housework simple. Don’t try to be perfect while doing the work. When cleaning, follow instructions and begin your work, left to right. Use only a few cleaning products and utensils such as a disinfectant for kitchens and bathrooms, sponges or cloths, vinegar and water for windows and mirrors, and a disinfectant spray when you’re done cleaning.

    Make allowances for time you will need to clean. Often, mornings are best for most because we feel refreshed in the morning and can get the work done before the day begins.

    Remember, that the most important areas to keep clean in your home are the kitchen and bathrooms. Certainly, the living room, dining room and patio areas need cleaning too but the kitchen and bathrooms are most important because that is where cooking and cleaning, personal grooming, bathing and toilet procedures are done.

    So, before you change or update your housework cleaning, keep in mind the above words and you will find that housework need not be difficult or demanding. And, when you get into a good routine, you will find that you will not only have a healthier and cleaner environment but peace of mind and more time for yourself and your family.

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